Php DotEnv

GitHub license Maintenance GitHub release (latest by date)

A simple and standalone DotEnv parser for PHP 5.6+

Any contribution or feedback is highly welcomed, please feel free to create a pull request or submit a new issue.


Simply install the library using composer:

composer require bgaze/php-dotenv


Quick start

This package ships two classes :

  • Bgaze\Dotenv\Parser wich do the parsing job.
  • Bgaze\Dotenv\Helpers wich provides static functions for a quick usage of the parser.

To quickly parse Dotenv, use helper functions from the Helpers class:

use \Bgaze\Dotenv\Helpers as DotEnv;

try {
    var_dump(DotEnv::fromString('a dotenv string', [ /* some default values */ ]));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo "<pre>{$e}</pre>";

try {
    var_dump(DotEnv::fromFile('path/to/dotenv/file', [ /* some default values */ ]));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo "<pre>{$e}</pre>";

You can also use directly the Parser class:

use \Bgaze\Dotenv\Parser;

$parser = new Parser();

if ($parser->parseString('a dotenv string')) {
} else {

if ($parser->parseFile('path/to/dotenv/file')) {
} else {

Helpers class


Parse provided string, throw an exception if invalid, otherwise return parsed content as a key-value array.

 * @param string $string The string to parse
 * @param array $defaults An array of defaults values
 * @return array The parsed content
 * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
public static function fromString($string, array $defaults = []);


Parse provided file, throw an exception if invalid, otherwise return parsed content as a key-value array.

 * @param string $path The file to parse
 * @param array $defaults An array of defaults values
 * @return array The parsed content
 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
public static function fromFile($path, array $defaults = []);

Parser class


Reset parser then parse provided string.

 * @param string $string The string to parse
 * @return boolean
public function parseString($string);


Reset parser then parse provided file.

 * @param string $path Path oh the file to parse
 * @return boolean
public function parseFile($path);


Get parsed content array.

 * @return array
public function get();


Get parsing errors array.

 * @return array
public function errors();


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