As a free and open source softwares fan, I am very grateful for all these free resources which I use on a daily basis. In return, I wish to make my contribution to the building and I regularly publish various resources in my Github space.

Bootstrap 4 forms builder for Laravel 5.8+

This package uses in background Laravel Collective HTML to simplify Bootstrap 4 forms creation into Laravel applications.
Model form binding and automatic error display are supported, as well as most of Bootstrap forms features : form layouts, custom fields, input groups, ...

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PHP-CS-Fixer for Laravel 5.5+

This package allows to use PHP-CS-Fixer right into Laravel 5.5+ applications to format PHP code.

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Bootstrap 4 dialogs

BSD is a tiny and flexible collection of dialog popups based on Bootstrap 4 modals.
Custom dialogs can be easily defined, in addition to built-in ones (alert, confirm and prompt).

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Bootstrap Color Palette

BCP is a simple color palette for Bootstrap 4, like in Google doc, built on the top of Bootstrap 4 Popover plugin.

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Laravel Kvstore

A simple and easy to use key-value database store for Laravel 5.5+
All values are stored into database and managed using cache to avoid unecessary queries.
Casting is supported to manage values type.

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Php DotEnv

A simple and standalone DotEnv parser for PHP 5.6+

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Blade Indenter

A very simple formatter for Laravel 5.8+ Blade templates

Github Documentation